AMA - Perlentaucherin


Yoriko Maeno

In a mix of styles combining contemporary dance, butoh traditional Japanese music and electronic sounds, Yoriko Maeno dedicates herself to the millennia-old art of the mussel harvest in Japan. On stage, a world is created from water and the flowing movements of the AMA pearl divers that brings the audience closer to the impressive rituals, crafts, Shintoism and lifestyle of a tradition threatened by climate change.


Director, Choreographer: Yoriko Maeno
Dance: Sakurako Awano, Mariko Koh, Aya Nakagawa, Po Nien Wang
Music: Jürgen Maeno, Thorsten Quaeschning, Hoshiko Yamane, Ritsuko Takeyama
Stage Design: Takaya Kobayashi
Video: Johannes Schuchardt
Costumes: Masayo Motegi


Yoriko Maeno is a dancer and choreographer of contemporary dance. She studied dance and dance education at the Ochanomizu university in Tokyo. In 2019 she completed the certification course of dance pedagogy and choreography at the Career College in UDK Berlin. As a dancer she works in many varieties of productions; New National Theater Tokyo, Tokyo Disney Resort and Wintergarten Berlin. In her solo works she built it up her own languages with intensive body movements. She is oriented towards mixing European dance style with Japanese expressional dance like Butoh. Since 2008 she works as a freelance choreographer. She presented ten full-length productions, and since 2014 four of them in Berlin, where she lives now. In summer 2018 Yoriko got an Audience Prize for her Produktion “Lullaby-Komoriuta” in Tokyo-Babylon-Dance Festival.

Ursprünglich geplant für / Originally planned for: