Performance Spoken Word Theater
Video on Demand


by copy & waste
copy & waste

Films and television series feed our desire for catastrophes and the post apocalyptic and continually drive this desire to new levels.  In doing so, it proves difficult to share in the panic of Greta Thunberg to a reasonable extent. Has Hollywood somehow sabotaged this panic through the ceaseless repetition of scenarios for the end of the world? Copy & waste provides of sketch of the state of the world and the state of emotions in an age of climate crisis and other catastrophes (or: situations with no way out).


By and/or with: Roman Hagenbrock, Steffen Klewar, Hannes Schumacher & other participants


copy & waste has been designing intermedial theater evenings and performances since 2007 that are primarily concerned with the transformation of urban societies in the 21st century as well as with the increasingly diffuse border between fact and fiction. The team consists of changing constellations of experts* in acting, video art, music, direction, scenography, dramaturgy, text and science. In 2018, they were awarded the George Tabori Prize. 

Ursprünglich geplant für / Originally planned for: