
“" is a project by Mikala Hyldig Dal and Sharon Paz including a 360° video and an augmented reality (AR) environment to be experienced from the comfort of your own space.
The work addresses conceptions of ownership in urban space, referencing the political context of gentrification on a local and global scale. introduces a speculative narrative of space colonization to reflect on worldwide processes of wealth accumulation and hegemonic politics as well as dawning utopias.
The narration integrates the altered living conditions during Covid-19; how our bodies are defined in relation to shrinking spaces and expanding social isolation.
space. dot. com - 360° Video
nteractive film: to explore drag your cursor over the image
“space. dot. com - augmented reality”
To see the augmented reality you need to download Augmented Archive AR on App store
To activate the augmented reality you need to turn on Augmented Archive AR and direct your screen towards the image at the end of this instruction video. You can also find the image here:
Impressions of "OUT-OF-SPACE"