Evgeny Kozlov is a theater director, choreographer and actor. He studied visual art, classical ballet and theater direction in St.Petersburg. He later continued his education in various contemporary dance and performing styles. In 1988 he founded DoTheatre, developing a very individual mode of performing based on the synthesis of different forms. Since 1990, he has been directing and dancing in within the DoTheatre repertory as well as co-producing and choreographing with Buhnenwerkstadt (Austria), Materia Prima (France), Tatoeba (Germany), Lit Moon (USA) and Fabrik e. V. Potsdam (Germany). DoTheatre productions include Hopeless Games (1999), Upside Down (2001), Bird’s eye view (2003), Nonsense (2004), Sleep…less…ness (2005), Hangman (2006), Anatomy of Fantasy/ Sacred Season (2009), Sin Agua (2011), Goffmaniana / Dust of Dreams (2013), InOutSide (2015) 2darktales (Die Etage/Berlin 2016), Vogelperspektive (Die Etage/Berlin 2017), Earth/Erde (Die Etage/Berlin 2018). He worked as an artistic director at Die Etage, Performing Arts School in Berlin from 2016 to 2018. He also choreographed productions of The Three Penny Opera (2002, Stadttheater Heilbronn) and Kiss Me Kate (2003, Stadttheater Aachen). DoTheatre has been based in Berlin since 2017