A man and a woman dancing in a semi-dark waltz, on a brown wooden floor

Cap Escape Plaisance Club

Schauplatz International

An artist couple, no longer so young, flees to the Côte d’Azur to learn standard dances in order to be able to reposition themselves on the art market. To do so, should they pretend to be a pair of Iranian dissidents? They make contact with the local cultural policymakers and plan their performance in an old movie theater. But it all ends up being too much: the world, themselves as artists, their legitimacy. Their only hope is dance – and so they dance.


Concept, Director, Performance: Anna-Lisa Ellend
Concept, Text, Performance: Albert Liebl
Music, Composition: Fabian M. Müller
Dancecoach: Pamela Battanta
Mitarbeit Choreografie: Anna Huber
Dramaturgy: Johannes Mayr
Costumes: Diana Ammann
Technical Director, Lighting, Stage Constructions: Stephan Müller
Sound: Pavel Mischler
Procuction Management: Christiane Dankbar
Photography: Alexander Jaquemet


Schauplatz International

Schauplatz International was founded in 1999 by Anna-Lisa Ellend and Albert Liebl. Over the past 19 years, Schauplatz International has performed at many festivals and guest performance venues, state and municipal theaters. Over 50 plays, performances, actions, films and radio plays have been created. Most recently, their trilogy Idealists (2014), Fundamentalists (2015) and Egoists (2016) was shown in Berlin (Ballhaus Ost and HAU - Hebbel am Ufer). Cap Escape Plaisance Club is a continuation of the radio play Kontrollierter Sinkflug (SRF2 Kultur 2016).


Ursprünglich geplant für / Originally planned for: