Installation/Exhibition/Video Performance Dance
Video on Demand
three rafts on the water looking fantastical as in a dream


Performance in a triangle with curves, spirals and immeasurability
Maria Turik & Spree:publik

Three rafts in the waters of the public canal of the border triangle between Kreuzberg, Neukölln and Treptow: floating installation, source of music, areas, corners and angles for the purpose of using dance to explore space. A multimodal triptych that shines a spotlight on the co-gentrification of urban water areas and an appeal to rethink access and space to make them something all Berliners can experience – as well as to preserve them.


Sounddesign, Music: Marc Hönninger
Dance, Performance: Arantxa Martinez, Annelie Andre, Sasha Portyannikova, Maria Turik
Camera: Alfonso Moral, Ana Monras
Graphic: Ana Monras
Editing: Maria Turik


Maria Turik. Portrait

Maria Turik

Maria Turik graduated from the sculpture program of the Berlin Weißensee School of Art in 2017. Prior to that, she attended the Burg Giebichenstein Kunsthochschule, Halle an der Saale until 2014 and studied sculpture under Andrea Zeumseil. Until 2006, she studied linguistics at the State Linguistic University of Irkutsk, Russia. Since 2018, she has been active in Kunstblock and Beyond, an alliance of cultural practitioners working for a just spatial policy in Berlin.

Spree:publik Logo


The Spree:publik welcomes initiatives, collectives, associations and other activists who are committed to the democratization of water and adjacent riverside areas of Berlin. We understand democratization as the advancement of the work of those active in the fields of art, culture, leisure, education, science and political engagement in connection to water. This means that we see water surfaces as a socio-cultural resource and as a space for civil society engagement. Spree:publik places a special focus on active people who pursue a charitable interest in their work. We also uphold the do-it-yourself / do-it-together (DIY / DIT) mind-set, including, among other things, self-made sports boats and rafts. For this, we need solidarity among the projects involved, interest in networking and the open-source approach. We also require a clear positioning for gender equality, diversity and an essential attitude for peaceful action.

The Spree:publik is open to anyone who identifies with the values mentioned above and shares interests of the Spree:publik. 

TRISEKTRIX. On the shore

Video of the performance "TRISEKTRIX".

Ursprünglich geplant für / Originally planned for: